A repurposed Sparkfun kit water alarm playing some sweet Bach. ATTINY85 /w 512Bytes RAM. Single channel sound with arpeggio.
Beams of Light
My oscilloscope demo, Beams of Light, won the Wild Demo competition at @Party 2014. Read more about it here.
VGM: Breadboard Power Supply Kit
I ordered a breadboard powersupply kit from curiousinventor.com It is a power module that plugs straight into a common bread board, giving you 3.3V or 5V of regulated voltage along the supply lines Here’s what happened.
VGM: 16 Bit Shift Register
In order to build a VGM player for Sega Genesis, I need to send two 8-bit values at the same time. 1 byte for PSG. 1 byte for YM-FM. Shift registers lets me do this while only taking up a few pins on the arduino board. Instead of of 8 LEDS, each pin will be routed to a sound chip.