Voxel Landscape Integer based for speed. Variable degrees of freedom. Distance Fog "The ray casting approach for terrain rendering assumes that the terrain is modeled by a Digital Elevation Map (DEM) and Digital Color Map (DCM). The DEM associates an elevation to each position (x,y) in the terrain and the DCM associates a color value to each position in the terrain. These maps are sampling of a height and color field in a uniform grid. A column of the terrain raised with a height and color taken from the DEM and DCM, respectively, is called a voxel" Press arrow keys to move around. Press 'T' for TRON mode! Press 'L' for Landscape mode! references: http://www.flipcode.com/voxtut/ http://www.bundysoft.com/L3DT/downloads/examples/#maps http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/publications/artigo_1997_realtime_rendering.pdf
Source code: Voxel
Built with Processing and Processing.js